Friday 1 June 2012

Lead generation Process


To ensure that your projected campaign achieves desired results, the single biggest challenge faced by companies is List Building; the how to accumulate data that is going to be used by the marketing or be used by tele callers.
Challenges faced by list building teams are different from the one faced by the marketing or inside sales team.
How to get the volumes of data that is required.
How to filter the data to arrive at the select target group
Validate the authenticity of the data on hand

To overcome these challenge ClientCurve has a separate team where the sole focus of the team is to keep on loading stacks of data, which can then be filtered out on specific target/category/domain. Not only that ClientCurve’s own product allows us to collect the data in a matter of minutes. 
Advantages using ClientCurve’s List Building services are
Data arranged as quickly as possible because most of the data is stored in-house already
In the case where the data is not available in-house, our List Building team using their experience and expertise can make the data available in the shortest of the time.
Filtering, isolation the data to arrive at the target user group can now be forgotten as ClientCurve present the data that is ready for use.
  Considering the fairly intense competitive markets outside its fair to say that every second lost counts a deal lost and with expert service available on hand (+91 40 64 530 444), it is expensive to be planning it in-house.